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The Cinematic Katzenjammer: Jan 4: A Good Old Fashioned Orgy


Jan 4: A Good Old Fashioned Orgy

"A group of 30-year-olds who have been friends since high school attempt to throw an end-of-summer orgy."

   I really do not know where to go with this one. It's a movie about a bunch of friends who have an orgy... AN ORGY, and this movie is only rated R. You can assume what happens. 

Google "orgy" on your own time!

   Jason Sudekis stars as the man who wants to throw one last bash before the end of the summer. He's a funny guy and continues to show that he has what it takes to be a leading comedic actor. He has moments of genius improvisation, but does not quite have the supporting cast to make him shine like Will Ferrell, Steve Carell or Paul Rudd. He has the love child of Jack Black and Zach Galifianackiskcissasass as his best friend, who is not quite the annoying fat friend you find in every other piece of crap comedy. "Zach" has his moments, most of which are seeing his gelatinity (it's a word, look it up) in a banana hammock. 

"Look mom! It's Jack Blackilfanaskisissis!"

   A Good Old Fashioned Orgy really brings nothing new to the table but the hope that Sudekis can escape the downward spiral that is Saturday Night Live and continue to make stuff on his own. The ladies are attractive, and yes, the orgy actually happens, but like I said, this is a mainstream "raunchy" comedy. If you want the real thing, awkwardly introduce the idea to a handful of friends while smiling (you don't want to be THAT guy in the group that wants any excuse to bone your way out of the friend zone). As an alternative, you could go rent some independent "artsy" foreign film where having an orgy is not only expected, but almost as natural as shaking hands (bring Purell).

Sight: It's not any gorgeously shot film nor are there mesmerizing camera angles. 
Sound: The soundtrack consisted of maybe two songs, and the only "music" reminded me of the Progressive Insurance commercials.
Skill: Sudekis carried the film
Script: With a title like that, one would expect something much raunchier. The script tiptoed toward nasty but stayed away from really diving into the "that's just wrong" zone.

Score: 6.3/10

Best Quote:
McCrudden"I'm wearing this thing called 'The Yank,' got it from the Adam & Eve catalog. One end straps around your leg and the other around your wang. Like the brochure says, 'with every stride, it gives your member a gentle tug."

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